There is no better compliment from our clients than when the bride and groom share they were stress-free and fully present through their wedding day. A wedding day is emotionally charged with many moving parts and nuanced layers. One of our core service pillars at Ellamae Productions is to help mitigate your stresses. Here are five tips we share with our couples leading up to their wedding day for stress management:

Focus on You and Your Fiancé

Weddings are a public declaration of a commitment to one another, so at the beginning and end of it all, focus on you and your fiancé and the promise you are making to one another. I always remind my clients that while they have hired us to design a stunning celebration and curate an inviting atmosphere with white glove hospitality, know that your vows and exchange of rings are the most important aspect of the wedding day. We encourage couples to give one another a commemorative gift on the day to remember the journey and choices that led them to their wedding day, and have a quiet moment to themselves after the ceremony.

Trust Your Wedding Planner

Your wedding planner is your trusted confidante, captain of the day, and overall director of hospitality on your wedding day. Remember that you hired your wedding planner and team due to their experience, fantastic reviews, and perfect personality match for you and your fiancé. Let go and trust in your planner to deliver excellence and beauty. It is our job to problem solve, support all vendors in their expertise, and be of service to your guests.

Practice Confidence

One of my favorite quotes of all time is “Opinions are like belly buttons. Everyone has one.” and undoubtedly, family members and guests often feel entitled to share their opinion(s) on decisions you and your fiancé have made in the planning process. This may be commentary on your wedding party attire choices, specialty cocktails, first dance song, etc. Opinions can leave the bride and groom second guessing their decisions, and I strongly encourage couples to practice confidence in their choices leading up to their wedding day. Remain steadfast and firm in creating a wedding day that shares your personalities and relationship with your friends and family. 

Prioritize Your Physical and Mental Wellness

This tip is for weeks ahead of your wedding day to help set you up with a strong foundation: set aside time to take care of your physical and mental wellness. This may look like a yoga class, therapeutic massage, a sunset run, or carving out a Sunday morning to listen to an inspiring podcast and slowly making breakfast. 

The final weeks until your wedding can start to feel stressful with the guest list deadline approaching, all details finalized with your wedding planner, and knowing the day is just around the corner after weeks… months of dreaming and planning!

Don’t forget to take care of yourself, one another, and hold onto personal space and some normalcy in your lives prior to wedding planning taking priority.

Choose Joy

This tip may sound silly, but I dare say it is the most important tip: choose joy. Even with the most meticulous planning, weddings are live celebrations which take on a life of their own. Inclement weather, family dynamics, and acts of God are simply out of your (and your wedding planner’s) hands. However, despite everything being perfect or falling short, you have the choice to choose joy. Choose joy in finding your forever partner. Choose joy in declaring your commitment to one another before your family and friends. Choose joy in the gift of this life and doing it with your love. 



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